We specialize in the production of synoptic panels of various shapes and sizes based on the customer’s design, even on an existing sample.

We produce synoptic panels using metal materials (aluminum, steel, brass), plastic materials (plexiglass, polycarbonate), or a combination of both according to customer requirements.

Our panels can be engraved, painted, and finally printed through a screen or digital printing, and are mainly used in the nautical and industrial fields.

Synoptic Panels




Following embossing, after receiving the drawing or an existing sample from the customer, we prepare the executive file for cutting and printing.

Cutting and engraving

Cutting and engraving

Starting from the raw sheet in metal or plastic material, then the panel is cut by milling (CNC) or laser and/or engraved and finished with sharp or beveled edges; sharp or rounded corners, and any threaded or countersunk holes.



The panels can be painted or anodized.
In the first case, after a protective treatment, Alodine, we move on to painting at our internal painting booth.
Otherwise opting for natural or colored anodizing, you will have a natural or colored finish, preserving the metal from corrosion and protecting it from atmospheric agents.

Printing and finishing

Printing and finishing

The cut, engraved, and treated panels are then passed to our screen printing department, recommended to obtain a duration of the graphics unchanged over time, or digital, more versatile for the greater number of colors, and lower installation costs, followed by a possible protective finish depending on the final effect you want to achieve.

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